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Running a United Way campaign is a good for you, good for your company, and good for Greater High Point. Your role is an important piece of the puzzle! 

If you are leading a campaign at your workplace, supporting a campaign committee, or curious about what a campaign involves, the best place to start is by contacting your company's United Way Staff Member

They will share best practices, materials, ideas, and more. If you don't know your United Way Staff Member, call us at 336-883-4127 or email Director of Workplace & Annual Giving, Sara Fowler at

Workplace Employee Campaign Coordinator 
Resource Materials

Thank you so much for conducting your company's UWGHP Workplace Campaign! 


This checklist has everything you need to stay on track!
1. ECC Guide - map out your plan!
2. Campaign Theme Ideas
3. See where your dollars serve the community with understanding Every Dollar Matters and our different levels of Leadership Giving.
4. Pledge Form Options for your Workplace Campaign


5. Reporting Instructions - after completing your Workplace Campaign!
Please watch these video tutorials - they will explain where to put the cash, checks, and the forms!








These documents are for those employees who have given their
Caring Gift - one hour of pay per month or 0.6% of your salary.

Please contact Sara, Will, or Kate for any questions about the materials for conducting a UWGHP Workplace Campaign. Talk soon! We look forward to hearing about your success! 

UWGHP History

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